Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Belated Halloween Arts


So as some of you might have realized, it was Halloween recently which meant it was time for the annual Karma Crew trip to Disneyland and Universal Studios. This also meant that it was time once again for yours truly to make some new t-shirt art. I couldn't post it before we left because we were trying to keep it a secret from two of the people going, and after that... well, I just got really busy ok?! Anyway, here now for your viewing enjoyment are those designs.

Disney shirt 2015
So this is the Disney shirt for this year, and if you're even remotely familiar with the park then you'll likely recognize the imagery from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. Last year, there were only four people who were going to be involved in this, and so the design had to change a fair bit from what I originally conceived. The trio was going to be the focus, featuring Jake, Rex, and Brock as the singing pirates and yours truly as the donkey.
© http://www.catsafterme.com/
But of course I couldn't just do it in my usual style, no, because I'm a fan of classic Disney and especially of Marc Davis' original drawings that inspired Pirates as well as a host of other famous Disney attractions. Wouldn't it be cool, I thought, to match the look of his original work rather than just the scene like I did last year?

And of course this was all well and good -last year- when I was just thinking about it. When it came time to actually DO it I began to realize what exactly I was in for. It'd been a long time since I'd studied any of Davis' work and his style is not only incredibly distinctive in terms of pose, proportion, and even the type of inking he did, but a far cry from what I do myself. It was going to be a pretty serious challenge for me to get it to look like it did in my head.

The internet, of course, provided a wealth of reference, but in the end I needed to buy this book which I wholeheartedly recommend for any fan of Disney or art in general. It doesn't feature all of his work, or even most of it, but it does provide an extremely broad view of the mans' talents.

Anywho, it took about three weeks worth of trial-and-error as well as teaching myself a new inking style (and digital watercolor) but I'm happy with the results. Check it out:

Jeremy, Rex, and Jake
The last two are only loosely based on existing pieces, the last one I couldn't actually find the reference for, so I winged it a fair bit. The overall look is good, but it's not as spot-on as the others. Fortunately, when they're combined, you can't really tell too much. 


Next is the Universal Studios piece. This one was a wild card since I decided what I wanted to do for Disneyland way back last year, but never really settled on anything for Universal. A lot of ideas were swatted about, including one that I liked for Night Gallery. Sadly no one else did, so it was scrapped... until next year. 

Universal shirt 2015
I'm not crazy about this one... I mean, it's not terrible but I think I went a little overboard in some places. I was a little drained after the first shirt and this one was on a much tighter deadline. Still it came out alright, I suppose. In case it's not clear, it's all Alfred Hitchcock stuff... The Birds, Psycho, Rear Window, and Vertigo (left to right). 

The 'grain' filter I applied also was a bit heavy on print both for shirts and the poster we did. 

Both shirts, of course, feature the QR codes on the back, and match the front. This year, I didn't make the mistake of off-coloring the QR barcode so it was more recognizable. 

So there you have it. The Halloween 2015 shirts art at last. It was a fun year for these, even if they didn't really get the same result as last years. They were a fairly effective marketing tool and they're stylish. I'm fairly proud of the Pirate one too so... that's something. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fancy Shmancy Work Sketches

Hello all,

So this is what I was doing at work the other day instead of listening to the calls... I decided to try and match one of my favorite artists, Drew Struzan, at least in terms of style. I may not have not managed it great, I was using pencil after all, but I think I did pretty good. I like them anyway.

Indy, Conan, and Mike
 I don't know if you can tell, but that's Indiana Jones (that one I used the cover of Genesis Deluge which is one of Struzans actual works as reference) and then Conan O'Brien and Mike Nelson.

I guess I can do a little more than draw ponies.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Update: Not Comic Sans

So just so we're all aware, the title header for my posts is not supposed to be ComicSans. If it's showing that way then it's displaying improperly. Yes, I did need to make a post about this because I'm not one of those people who still thinks it's acceptable to use ComicSans as a typeface.

Some Character Art I finished

So I did some more pony stuff, I know, it's a shock...but I'm posting it cause I finished it and because I think I did a pretty good job of capturing the look of the show on both pieces.

Shine from Equestria Girls
So if you haven't seen My Little Pony Equestria Girls or Rainbow Rocks you probably won't appreciate this one, but it's basically ponies as humans in a parallel universe. It's silly, but the music is great. Anyway, I made this for my friend Winter and I am thrilled with how it came out. The perspective was tricky because of their shape but I think the result was worth it.

Sapphire Night Classic
Sapphire Night Princess

Now these ones are a little more usual. It's Sapphire Night as a basic Alicorn (if such a thing exists, I guess) and then as a Princess. These ones match the look of the show which is good, but also they're both the same picture. I was able to work with layers and minimal editing to make one picture work for both. There's a reason I needed to do that, but frankly it's not interesting unless you roleplay, so I won't bore you. Suffice to say, it came out quite good, I feel.

Green Week logo

And because I'm super generous, I'm uploading some more straight-up Vector art I did. The first is the logo for Fillydelphia.com's Green Week event, which is basically Splatoon except for ponies. It's a week long event and this year they let me make the logo, which is cool. I also made the prize ribbons (above) which are very similar to the work I've done for MLPNWRP site... To be honest, I'm not in love with these ones, but I had to get them done quickly. I did learn more about Illustrator though, so... thats always a plus.

-Bad Seed, Bad Seed what we gonna do? 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Used my tablet today

Spectral Ponies
I did a little digital work today for New Worlds. Nothing special, but hey, this is my blog where I put my art so that's all the justification I need.

"Oh no! I never should have hung out with the kids by the liquor store." 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Some Randomness

So this was a rather interesting week. Among other things, I actually did some art...I liked it at the time, but obviously that couldn't last long. Still, I'm going to post it because, hey, that's what this blog is all about right? 

Karma sign
The first is a Karma project, well, actually it's for the Karma Connection newsletter that I put together every month. I needed a graphic to go along with an article about our group traveling to Las Vegas this month for the food handout, and so I came up with this:
This is a raster image done in Photoshop over the course of a few hours, not really sure how many cause I didn't keep track, but it wasn't too long. It's mostly just simple vector shapes duplicated and slightly modified to give the illusion of depth with a few badly placed shadows. I had some fun with the neon in this one as well as the textures. You can't tell (much) but every surface on this has a texture. Oh, the background is a stock photo (obviously).

Weather Graphic (with snow) 
The next one is this sign, it's a weather graphic for NewWorlds RP site that will be running a special event through Sunday. Those familiar with the MLP show will know what this represents, but for everyone else it's a yearly event where ponies 'clean up' winter and make it spring.

The chat has a somewhat interactive weather system with graphics, and this will be taking the place of them until the event is done. It's fun.

Whole thing is again vector/raster graphics done in Photoshop and Illustrator. A simple graphic that scaled down surprisingly well. The wood texture is a little better than the last wood signs I did in the same style and isn't too intrusive on the text. It IS a little large for what it was supposed to be, but it came out well. There's also a version without the snow. 

Map to Bitter Springs
Map graphic done to show the general location of Bitter Springs in relation to the train station and Dodge City done with raster graphics in Photoshop. This one took me a little more than an hour because I was trying to match a particular style. 

Sample 1
Sample 2
I think I nailed the look pretty well, without making any custom brushes or anything. 

I'll be honest, I'm thinking about revisiting this one. Obviously it's supposed to be more representational than an actual functional map, but I don't know. It seems very plain. It was just something I've wanted to do for a really long time and so now that I have, I'm posting it. If it gets updated, I'll post the revision here too. 

There were others (I know, can you believe it??) but I can't post them here yet. Not until the things they are attached to are farther along. I'm honestly not sure why I care, as literally no one looks at this, but hey, it's my blog and I'll do what I want. 

"Very well, Bart. I shall send you to HEAVEN...before I send you to HELL." 
-Sideshow Bob

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Oh god I did something stupid today. I tried to paint.

Behold the horror

That right there is acrylic paint on printer paper because that's what I have. It's also a shirt. Yes, I've made this into a shirt, because its not enough for me to have made something awful, I have to impose it on others.

Maybe I'll put up the link sometime.

"I want to spend some time with the Wee Baby Sheamus"
                                             -Sterling Archer

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Whiteboard Art

So today I had a whiteboard, markers, and some time to kill and I thought to myself, I haven't done any new Newscast work in awhile so...

Not much to say. I drew it, I liked it, here it is. I did some others too, but my phone died before I could get pictures.

I miss Newscast.

"I'm not a bloody jukebox." 
-Sherry Bobbins

Monday, February 16, 2015

Something Old. Lip-Sync!

My eye is almost swollen shut today because...I honestly don't know why. As a result, however, I am cleaning my old HDD today and came across something I did that I am marginally proud of. It's older, and sort of boring but here it is:

Old Lip Sync Video from ayame nelson on Vimeo.

For those of you who don't know, I actually enjoy lip sync very much Don't know why...I just think it's neat. Basically, I took an audio file I cut from MST3K and animated this character's lips. It was a simple school assignment, but hey, at least now you know I was doing SOMETHING there.

"He learned almost too late...that...man was a feeling creature"
-Rex Reason