Thursday, December 24, 2009

The first official day of vacation!

Well, I have finally completed Christmas quarter and soon, will also have completed 2009. I spent 10 hours yesterday driving through a blizzard to get back up to Salt Lake City, where I am vacationing for the remainder of the year.

I have some projects in the works for my break, mainly, I am writing a script for an upcoming comic project that has been in the works for several years called Darkness Comes. I can't say much about it right now, other than it's the story of four old friends reunited by zombies.

I also plan on updating the website this week. It depends on how well I can get Photoshop to work with my laptop. Historically, the two have not gotten along.

Other than that, I spent the entire day relaxing, I think I have earned a little reprieve.

Have a Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate.

"Over? Why my dear, delusional Dark Knight. It hasn't even begun."
-The Joker

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I need to make sure I always have access to this, so I am posting it here. By the way, website and deviant art updates coming soon. Maybe tomorrow.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS....HOLY SHIT! Where's the Tylenol?!"
-Clark Griswold

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pie day

This is a test. I'm showing my mumzie how to set up a blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The rhythm of life

This is a late night post, so I'm gonna make it quick.

If you haven't been here:

you should go. It's basically internet radio, you enter a few artists or songs you like and then it automatically finds songs similar to the ones you like based on your preferences. I have been enjoying it quite thoroughly for the past few days. There's a limited amount of time you can listen a month without paying, something like 40 hours. But honestly, the service is pretty great so...

If you wanna check out my station, I've added it to the sidebar there. Enjoy.

"Grabbin' pills."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Animation Final 2009

Here it is, the long-awaited (by me) 20 second animation for my Advanced Animation class. I know what you're thinking -this sucks. But you're wrong. It only marginally sucks.

Anyway, enjoy!

-Random Person (The Simpsons)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cool Vids From Yesteryear and FONTMANIA!

I haven't decided if I am going to break up posts with different subjects yet, but for now, I don't think so. It seems silly if I have multiple things to post about and something might get missed in the fray. Hey, I'm not so stuffy as Kotaku just yet.

So, thanks to Netflix and my XBox 360, I have now enjoyed the entire series of John Cleese and Connie Booths' Fawlty Towers. For those of you not in the know, it's a surpringly popular British comedy sitcom from the 1970's about a hyperactive hotelier, and was voted one of Britan's best sitcoms of all time. So that got me to thinking; there was ANOTHER British sitcom I used to love on PBS, right before Keeping Up Appearances, and I really wanted to give it another look see. Unfortunately, the BBC's website yielded no adequate results.

So I found this website:

which has afforded me the ability to watch a great deal of the show; Mother and Son (as it turns out, it's Australian-based, not British). Watch the show. It's dark humor, but always good. Here's a teaser of an episode.

And to top things off, a great font site (they're free) shown to me by a teacher, though it's probably pretty well known. Indeed, I myself have used this site before, but I always bypassed it in favor of 1001 free fonts dot com. Anyway, check out this site for fonts.

"Yes, you'll be closer to the door then, for when you leave..."
-Maggie Bear

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Have New Message Board RPG!

Hey folks,

Today we celebrate the launch of

The Newscast EXU RPG or NCEXURPG for short. What is it? Well in essence it's a spiritual successor to Newscast RPG. Since it didn't officially 'end' and is still listed as ongoing, this is a way for newcomers to enjoy the random hilarity of the Newscast universe in a more direct fashon.

It begins on the Jachrid Space Station, the starting line for the Jachrid Rally and system-wide hotspot. What hilarious adventures will ensue? Only time will tell. The spaceport is currently open to all who wish to play.
More than anything, this is a test post so we can see that I am serious about doing this.
"You're right, no....human being would stack books like this."
-Dr. Peter Venkman

Saturday, July 18, 2009

To All Who Visit This Happy Place; GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN!

Greetings, everyone.

My name is Ayame Nelson. You might remember me from such classic writing spots as From The Big Book of Everything, Newscast RPG, and my personal favorite, If You Ever Want to See Your Son Again... That last one was a very personal piece for me. I've never since penned a better set of ransom demands.

So what is this then; another blog stopping up the already jam-packed internet tubes? In a word, "yes". In several words, "yes, now shut up and let me finish". It has been suggested to me that I begin to take account of things which I observe (mostly online, but also some in the real world) that influence me or inspire me. While I have a feeling that the actual content will eventually boil down to 'things that irritate me to the point where I begin hurting others', I remain nevertheless excited about the prospect.

Let it be now known that things not partaining to online will not contain links, as I don't have the foggiest idea of how to link this blog to an event in space time...yet.

So, now we know why we're here, who are we? And by 'we' I mean, me.

You already know my namem which IS Japanese and means Iris. No, I am not Japanese, not even partially which is one of many reasons I usually go by Ami instead. I am 24 years old, live in Las Vegas, Nevada, am attending school, working part time, and trying to become an artist. My hobbies include (but are not limited to) MST3K, video games, reading, writing, drawing, building props, making movies, and ranting. We'll probably learn more about me as we go along. For now, that should be enough to get you moving.

Since this is an introduction thread, I am going to try and keep it short. However, I should probably be mentioning a few of the following housekeeping items.
#1. This is gonna update whenever I feel like it. I'll make it a point to update frequently, but no set times, or dates. I am not going to turn this into a chore.
#2. I don't have a MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or WoW account. If I get one, you'll be the first to know...that I've gone batshit insane.
#3. I'm leaving the comments open. Comment away. If your comment annoys me, I'll delete it. I don't think you need guidelines as to what not to post. Even though we're on the internet, I firmly believe that some of you are mature adults, and if you're not, go back to pwning n00bs on XBL, okay?

And now, I'll close with a tradition that I follow on my other blog; N.U.S.,

"I am gonna riff away like it's nobodies business...I...can't think of anything NOW, but..."
-Crow T. Robot