Friday, January 22, 2010

A Day Off

Well, today I started the final version of the new website artwork. No, not every page is getting new art just yet, but the main page certainly is. I've been working on this piece on and off again for some weeks now, and I finally got what I wanted today thanks to my new scanner, some old markers, and a sense of purpose. Also, several hours of movies.

So here's a taste of today's process:

The project was simple; for the main page of my website, I want a picture of all my characters. Obviously, this is impossible. So I boiled it down to just the main ones. Sort of a collage of sorts. Whatever -you know what I mean. You've seen them before. This project isn't about originality, it's about showing off my different styles...STOP STARING AT ME!

Anyway, I'm not gonna show you all the rejected nearly-finished pieces because scanning them would be a tremendous waste of my time, so here's the concept sketch for this current one.

This was the one I finally went with. If you can't tell who all the characters are at this point, that's fine because I can. This is just a thumbnail and I know whats what.

In case you were wondering, and are unfamiliar with all my stuff, I'll tell you who they all are on the next piece.

So yeah, this is the concept. It finally crammed everyone I wanted in there and showed them all off pretty well. This is the first time I've successfully pulled this off.

So yeah, I spent all day working on the final one, and I forgot to scan it before I started inking it, so here it is partially inked:

I think it came out pretty good, and when I finish coloring it, I think it's gonna be a nice addition to my current and future web page.

This one is done with pencil -mechanical of course- and surprisingly, no non-photo pencil this time. I have reason to believe some of the ingredients in them were causing my markers to smear. Since I wanted to do this today instead of experimenting, I just removed it from the equation.

Now, as promised, a who's who of this picture. Who they are, what series they hail from etc.

(from top to bottom, left to right by series)
Lady Nightheart (Nightheart)
Dromar Evincar and Eolande Saillune (Eternal Sun)
Sean and Jake (The High Life)
Nienna Orntier, T.B. Ryerson, Kioko (Newscast)
KC Connor, Aiko, Raye McKeever (Tales From the Satellite)
Jimmy (T3: Time Traveling Toaster) Kat (Untitled 2D project)
Kaikoura (Newscast Expanded Universe)
Pickles T., Guid-O-Lizer, and Spit (The Adventures of Guid-O-Lizer and Spit)

I started coloring it tonight, but I remembered I have work in the morning so I had to stop. Hopefully, it'll be done by Sunday. If it's not up on the main page, I'll post pictures of it here first.

Oh, and I decided to learn Na'vi. So yeah. Eat it.

"I know it's her. We"
-Chris Redfield

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