Sunday, March 8, 2015

Some Randomness

So this was a rather interesting week. Among other things, I actually did some art...I liked it at the time, but obviously that couldn't last long. Still, I'm going to post it because, hey, that's what this blog is all about right? 

Karma sign
The first is a Karma project, well, actually it's for the Karma Connection newsletter that I put together every month. I needed a graphic to go along with an article about our group traveling to Las Vegas this month for the food handout, and so I came up with this:
This is a raster image done in Photoshop over the course of a few hours, not really sure how many cause I didn't keep track, but it wasn't too long. It's mostly just simple vector shapes duplicated and slightly modified to give the illusion of depth with a few badly placed shadows. I had some fun with the neon in this one as well as the textures. You can't tell (much) but every surface on this has a texture. Oh, the background is a stock photo (obviously).

Weather Graphic (with snow) 
The next one is this sign, it's a weather graphic for NewWorlds RP site that will be running a special event through Sunday. Those familiar with the MLP show will know what this represents, but for everyone else it's a yearly event where ponies 'clean up' winter and make it spring.

The chat has a somewhat interactive weather system with graphics, and this will be taking the place of them until the event is done. It's fun.

Whole thing is again vector/raster graphics done in Photoshop and Illustrator. A simple graphic that scaled down surprisingly well. The wood texture is a little better than the last wood signs I did in the same style and isn't too intrusive on the text. It IS a little large for what it was supposed to be, but it came out well. There's also a version without the snow. 

Map to Bitter Springs
Map graphic done to show the general location of Bitter Springs in relation to the train station and Dodge City done with raster graphics in Photoshop. This one took me a little more than an hour because I was trying to match a particular style. 

Sample 1
Sample 2
I think I nailed the look pretty well, without making any custom brushes or anything. 

I'll be honest, I'm thinking about revisiting this one. Obviously it's supposed to be more representational than an actual functional map, but I don't know. It seems very plain. It was just something I've wanted to do for a really long time and so now that I have, I'm posting it. If it gets updated, I'll post the revision here too. 

There were others (I know, can you believe it??) but I can't post them here yet. Not until the things they are attached to are farther along. I'm honestly not sure why I care, as literally no one looks at this, but hey, it's my blog and I'll do what I want. 

"Very well, Bart. I shall send you to HEAVEN...before I send you to HELL." 
-Sideshow Bob