Friday, June 11, 2010

Demo Reel 2010

Here's my new Demo Reel. I am aware it sucks.

"You just use the Duct Tape and throw away the package, but I read the package."
-Harold Green & random lodge member

Sad truths, awesome art!

There's something calming in KNOWING you're a loser. I am a loser, and I was reminded of that fact today, and now that I am done trying to escape from that simple fact, I have achieved a state of serenity so complete that even a day at The 'Stop didn't faze me much.

In fact, while I was there I did some artworks which I think are pretty cool, so I'm going to share them. I have to say, now that I am here at this juncture...I don't know what to say, but I am going to press on.

This one, I dunno. It makes me smile. This is pretty much how I feel at work some times.

These next two, one of them I did today and the other one was a few days ago-

This one I am pretty proud of. You see, I've always had a bit of trouble with shading. I can do cell shading, and I understand the principals of shading well enough, but the contrast of highlights and darks has always been something of a mystery to me.

I won't pretend like this is amazing I mean, I was looking at the box for Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker when I drew this, but what is impressive to me is that I did this with a sharpie, no guide lines, no sketching, just a sharpie and reference picture.

Anyway, I like it and I am very proud of it. It's on thermal receipt paper.

The next one is a little more interesting. I did it a few weeks ago and meant to post it, but I never got around to it. I guess now is as good a time as any so here's...

This is essentially the same thing except...well, it's on the side of an Xbox 360.

This is Chris and Jill from the cover of Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition. I was bored at work a few weeks back, and a customer had abandoned a 360 at the store. We can't salvage them, and in fact just throw them in the garbage.

I started drawing on it, and after completely ruining one side, I managed to crank out this on the other. I am very happy with it, so much in fact that I kept the machine that I did it on, though I don't have anywhere to put it or any reason to keep it. Anyway, I think it's pretty amazing, considering that -again- there were no guides and no trial, just started drawing with a sharpie.

So yeah, I did those today. They're awesome. I'm not. I've learned to deal with it.

I don't blame anyone else for my shortcomings, at least, not really. I may yell a lot about who's fault something is, but rest assured, no matter what I say out loud I always blame myself really.

Also, I got a cool MGS bandanna at the store.

"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
-Red Green